Painting area!

Getting there! 

We started with 3 rooms in the basement - one long and skinny; I took down the wall a few months ago to that narrow room. Last Friday, I took down the framework for it.
This week, I got the shelf in that room cleaned up, painted all pretty white and turned it into my painting area wink emoticon It is SO bright coming down into the basement now!

Got rid of boxes we just won't ever use. It was time. I have kept so many for moving purposes over the years (all well used! Not ONE regret!) and then utilized appropriate ones for shipping purposes for Garden of Francis. Now that we are more settled (one more move in my lifetime???), this first batch included all damaged boxes and "product" boxes that just don't work for GoF shipments.

Legoboy getting the fire started. 

New Montessori Products at Garden of Francis

Some recent new additions to the Montessori "family" at Garden of Francis:

Oceans Puzzle Map

  • Choose to combine it with a world puzzle map (movable continents AND oceans) or be a straight-up ocean puzzle map (only the oceans are puzzle pieces). 

Banded Line Paper in Green, Pink and Blue

  • These colors do NOT correspond with the PBG series, but are correlated to the paper sizes provided via AMI training: start with the green lined paper which is widest; move to the pink when ready (might be using pink for some and green for other writing), then move to blue (the narrowest) when ready. Many lower elementary children are still using the blue paper. 


  • Garden of Francis now offers many of the downloadable files in printed format to be mailed to you. Lamination is also an option on the printed items. All primary and elementary downloadable materials currently available for sale are now available in printed format. 

Downloads AND Printables
  • Every download you need for the content of elementary Montessori language experience is NOW ready to purchase! Logical analysis, the "I love" packets for verb tenses, word study, grammar boxes, and more! 
  • This includes all the necessary content - additional supplements will be added over time; such as downloadable/printables for creating boxes to hold the verb tense material and more. 

Faith Formation Montessori-Style: 
  • New design on the Liturgical Calendar with deeper prisms for the Sundays of the church year. 
  • If painted calendars are purchased, the outer edge of each Sunday prism is painted gold to represent the light of Christ remaining constant throughout the year. This also helps the child situate the pieces properly within the liturgical calendar.