
Scroll down to see additional sample images of available items on our site.


  • What will my order include?
    • WOOD FIGURES: 2-d wood cutout figure; 2 pieces to attach to the back of each figure 1/2" tall by 3/4" wide 1/4-round base 
    • WOOD ENVIRONMENTS: All the wood pieces that are included in the materials manual for each level. **Please note that hardware is sold separately. **Please also note that our materials do not always perfectly match the materials manual, but you will receive what you need to make an "essential material."
    • FABRIC ITEMS: These items generally come complete, unless otherwise noted. They can be entirely made to order by Contacting Us here.
  • Can I order items I do not see on your site?
    • Please contact us with the details of your request and we can send you a price quote.

Description of Products - Overview:

  • We offer items for you at Garden of Francis in hopes that you have reached out to your community resources first - we want to serve you and your atrium space, while at the same time maintaining the 32 Points of Reflection of the Catechesis.
  • It is the understanding by all of us at Garden of Francis that those persons ordering CGS materials from Garden of Francis have attended a formation course, or otherwise have experience with the atrium such that each person is familiar with the 32 Points of Reflection - several of which specifically pertain to the spiritual aspects of material-making. Please use this material-making time as a spiritual reflection on the nature of the materials, maintain simplicity and avoid all things consumerism in this most wonderful of pursuits: the passing of the Faith to our precious little ones.

Additional Photographs:
  • Please note that the following photographs are intended to show you the pieces you will recieve in your order as well as a general placement of each of those pieces if appropriate. Please refer to these photographs, your CGS formation course, other catechists or the materials manual for additional information on constructing the materials. If you still have any questions, please contact us.
Fettuccia - Plaques and Arrows

Environment for Wedding Feast
Environment for Bridesmaids

Insistent Friend - Figures
Insistent Friend - Environment
not glued together in photo

Basic Wood Symbols
can be made in any size

Found Coin Environment -
with bench and table
not glued together in photo

Cosmic Cross - Painted

Cosmic Cross - Painted -
shown with pieces removed

gold trim can be added

Cenacle with reversible background
If ordering painted or outlined,
you tell us what you'd like on the
reversible background
or design your own